Loops, Ifs, and scopes babey

The NGS interpreter now supports while loops, if statements, and function-bound variables (RIP the global scope)

the examples for this are somewhere in the default script, ill put the relevant parts here in case its changed later

# Variables are stored in the current scope, meaning that any variable inside a function 
# will get discarded as soon as the function returns # however, if you assign a new value to a variable you already defined outside of the function, it will overwrite it at that scope and it wont be discarded 
im_a_string = "they are surrounded by double qoutes"

# if statements are pretty straight forward 
# note that they accept only 1 argument, and it must be a boolean 
if true {
     im_inside_an_ifstat = true 
# if you do give more than one argument, it will be ignored 
if true "hello" { 
    im_also_inside_an_ifstat = true 
ill_never_be_true = false
if LOGIC_equals("Hi", "Hello") {
     ill_never_be_true = true 
# Recursion /is/ possible, but is almost always the wrong solution to a problem, and is generally not recommended 
# keep in mind that the maximum stack size is currently 1024 items 
func countdown(in) {
     out = 0    
     if LOGIC_not(LOGIC_equals(in,0)) {
         out = countdown(MATH_sub(in, 1))
     return out
countdown_results = countdown(10)
# a better fit for this would be a while loop
func countdown_2(in) {
     out = in
     while LOGIC_not(LOGIC_equals(out,0)) {
         out = MATH_sub(out,1)
     return out
 countdown_2_results = countdown_2(10)


Web build Play in browser
Dec 05, 2021
Windows build 35 MB
Dec 05, 2021

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